Lisa Febre
May 25, 2023
pT4a pN2a pM1c
I am surviving Stage-4C colon cancer. What this means and why you should care. The conversation around a new cancer diagnosis usually...
Lisa Febre
May 25, 2023
It's All About The Hair
Emotionally, it can be just as hard to regrow your hair after chemo as shaving your head. Here are some great ways to support your friend...
Lisa Febre
May 16, 2023
Making Healthy Living a Habit
We hear it all the time: "have a healthy lifestyle!" It's simple advice yet it brings with it a chill of terror as we become overwhelmed...
Lisa Febre
May 1, 2023
Judgment Free Zone
You can't please all the people no matter what choices you make. And cancer is no different. Cancer is the ultimate run for your life....
Lisa Febre
May 1, 2023
"You Have Cancer"
"A cancer diagnosis might play out the way they often portray it on television: a dramatic scene where our protagonist has an acute...