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Clarinet & Saxophone Supplies


Congratulations on chosing a single reed instrument as your favorite! There's a lot to buy, so let's get shopping!


Click on the IMAGES for access to links.

Sheet Music Plus

Every time you click the Sheet Music Plus link above, you help me earn money toward music for the studio. You know all those books I let you take home? Those are duplicates thanks to this great program!

woodwind & brasswind

Everything you need for your instrument: ligatures, mouthpieces, neckstraps, cases and reeds. If you can dream it, they can ship it.

Take the guesswork out of ordering reeds. Just click your instrument and choose from the options below.
Reed suggestions are the same for clarinet and saxophone, the boxes are identical, so be sure to double check your order before you buy for correct instrument, strength & quantity 10.


RICO (orange box)

Bb Clarinet

Eb Alto Saxophone


RICO ROYAL (blue box)

Bb Clarinet

Eb Alto Saxophone


Beginner (1-2 years)

Rico 2 -- in the orange box, quantity 10


Intermediate (2-4 years)

Rico 2.5 -- in the orange box, quantity 10

Rico Royal 2.5 -- in the blue box, quantity 10


Advanced (4+ years)

Rico 3 or 3.5 -- in the orange box, quantity 10

Rico Royal 3 or 3.5 -- in the blue box, quantity 10


College & Beyond

Rico Reserve or Rico Classic 3.5 or higher

Vandoren 4 or higher


Purchase a box of 10 reeds every time you order. And don't wait until you're down to zero reeds before buying a new box! Place your order when you're down to 3 unused reeds. Clarinet and Saxophone reeds should last you 1-2 weeks if treated properly.

Time to order clarinet music!
Click on the publisher number to order:

Rubank Elementary Method (clarinet)





Rubank Intermediate Method (clarinet)




Rubank Advanced Method Vol 1 



Rubank Advanced MethodVol 2



JS Albert 24 Varied Scales and Exercises

for Clarinet




Silk Swab                                                                     Rovner Ligature                                                        Vandoren B45 Mouthpiece

Time to order saxophone music & accessories!
Click on the publisher number to order:

Rubank Elementary Method (saxophone)





Second Book of Practical Studies

for Saxophone, by Nilo Hovey



Melodious & Progressive Studies

(for oboe or saxophone)

Book 1 HL.3770578



Melodious & Progressive Studies

(for oboe or saxophone)

Book 2 HL.3770715


Ferling 48 Famous Studies

(for oboe or saxophone)






Padded Neckstrap                                                             Rovner Ligature  








Alto Saxophone Swab                                            Selmer Mouthpiece

                                                                                          C* option

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